Joe & Robin - The Disc Golf Podcast Team

We are Joe Hardeman and Robin Brown-Ward- two regular dudes that talk all things disc golf.. And beer..  Ok, mostly disc golf.  Young families and full time jobs leave precious little daylight for weekday disc golf, so we started this podcast to help curb the withdrawals and get to that weekend round.  Join us for laid back conversations about disc golf, disc reviews, beer reviews, tournament recaps, and much more.

Check out what our listeners are saying about the show:

Very Entertaining:

Disc golf culture at its best. These two friends have great chemistry and provide a very entertaining podcast. Love the disc review as well as the weekly pro tour recap. Keep it up!
— iTunes Review from Om3ga IX

My New Favorite Thing:

What an incredible show! I am so excited every Friday to listen to this podcast! You guys are fun to listen to and I feel like I relate to the way you guys appreciate disc golf.
The only suggestion I have, is that when you have the “deer” review, it would be cool if you did some sort of drawing or contest. You could send the winner one of the discs you were reviewing and a six pack of the beer.

Thanks for making an awesome podcast!
— iTunes Review from JaredJaredSquared


Love this show! These two seem like naturals that have been doing disc golf shows for years. Great show with insight from a fellow disc golf duffer like myself and not a touring pro or single brand sponsored host. This is less like a podcast, more like conversation on the disc golf course with your buddies over beers. Check them out!
— iTunes Review by 1983eville